6 Ways to Support Other Women in Business

Today is International Women’s Day and instead of just posting one blog, we decided to post two!

Both men and women business owners are accustomed to the struggle that comes with being an entrepreneur. You work long hours, put your business first, and ensure that you’re standing out from the rest.

As a female entrepreneur, it can be even more challenging; and you’ve probably had to work even harder to make your business a reality. On top of the daily grind and a ton of responsibilities — taking time to network with other female founders can provide numerous benefits.

Women business owners should empower each other. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stresses that come with running a business, but we encourage you to make time to empower women who are in your industry or are fellow entrepreneurs. You’ll be surprised at how your life can change!

1. Start Partnerships

Forming partnerships with relevant businesses can help you gain new opportunities. When you support fellow small business owners who are women, you can create strategic partnerships that benefit both of your companies. To do this, join networking organizations that bring women business owners together, or research local businesses in your industry to find other hard-working women you may want to partner with. In addition to community building, discounts, and conferences that most support networks offer, you could end up partnering with talented women business owners!

2. Hire Female Employees

Through networking opportunities with other women entrepreneurs, you could make valuable connections. For instance, you might meet future employees! Other women business owners might have recruitment suggestions, which could help you fill open positions.

Giving other women job opportunities is important. You can probably think of at least a few women who have helped you launch your career as an entrepreneur. Pay it forward by employing bright women to work at your small business!  By doing so, you may even be providing the experience and motivation for another talented, hard-working woman to follow her dreams and start her own business.

3. Form Mentorships

Having a mentor can be indispensable to new business owners. They can help you write your business plan, provide input on branding, and give insights on other important decisions. In fact, many entrepreneurs have their mentors to thank for their business success.

In addition to finding your own mentor, you might be in the position to be a mentor to an aspiring entrepreneur. If you know people who are in the process of starting a business or even just considering it, reach out and see how you can be a resource to them. Whether it’s discussing their business idea or helping them market their new concept on social media, you’ll feel pride knowing you’re investing in the future of a fellow woman-owned business.

4. Receive Valuable Feedback

When running a business, it’s important to bounce ideas off knowledgeable professionals. Sometimes, receiving an outside perspective can help you refine your business’s practices. Ask your peers for valuable feedback to help your business grow.

5. Get Recommendations

Have you ever struggled to find a financial advisor, seamstress, or plumber? Well, why not turn to knowledgeable women business owners who can provide suggestions? You and your network of bad-ass colleagues can give each other recommendations for these types of decisions, lessening the amount of research you’ll have to do. When women business owners support each other, they can receive helpful suggestions that they may not have found on their own.

6. Make Lifelong Friends

In addition to the business benefits, collaborating with fellow women entrepreneurs can translate into great friendships! You probably have a lot in common with other women business owners and can bond with them over your entrepreneurial spirits. Making new friends and advancing your businesses at the same time? What could be better?!

Conclusion: It Pays Off to Help Fellow Women in Business!

When women business owners empower each other, amazing things can happen. From professional relationships to long-lasting friendships, women entrepreneurs who support one another will succeed due to these connections!

Written by Margaux Miller of Margalaxy & Best Friends PDX